Some Testimonials


WeFrom past and current patients



 April 2017

My name is a Jordan Goldberg. I'm
a Southern California native and athlete. Due to an unfortunate injury I ended up with tumors covering a majority of my right ankle. I was told I needed a OATS / allograft surgery
Which is a full reconstruction. The tumors come out and are plugged with cadaver bone.

Lissa and her magic healing
Worked. I was allergic to all pain meds and Lissa sent me mutiple healings. I felt her power. I had intense pain and the feeling of knives in my body then was throwing up sick from it.
There was a radiating sensation and she made the pain go away. She worked on me for 2 months, giving me a recovery the doctor said he has never seen!
You can't even see the bone graft Dr. Ebert said. In just a few months I'm where I should be in Years and I thank Lissa for her magical power.
I'm not airy fairy but she works.
She's a Healer. It's what she is meant to do. And if you need any sort of a hollisitic approach to recovery/life/illness you name it, Lissa is the guidance the power and that fairy dust to get you there.


Two of Lissa's children go to school with my daughter Lily. A couple of weeks ago I invited Lissa's daughter over for a playdate. As we were walking to our cars, I mentioned to Lissa that Lily had a gargantuan bruise on her knee. It was the kind that starts out black and purple and then gets green and eventually fades to yellow before disapearring. It was ugly! I asked Lissa if she would do what she does to assist in healing. Lissa spent about 5 minutes placing her hand on Lily's knee. Afterwards Lily said it felt good and we left it at that and went on with our playdate. I forgot about the bruise. 2 days later I looked for it to see how it was doing and it was gone. It was completely Gone. No trace of it ever having been there?! Mind Blowing. Thank you Lissa you are truly a gift to us.

Tammi Clenard



Lissa Liggett is a natural born healer with a heart of gold and true gift for healing. Her energy is clearly connected to the source and she is able to affect healing from near and far.I met Lissa and experienced her gift in person. She did a short healing session with my fiancé and me that was clearing and energizing and made us both feel great.We live in LA and when we got back I could feel her energy from far away as if she was right next to me. Lissa worked remotely on my fiancé and helped her with several issues She then worked on my mother who lives in Israel (!) and was suffering from an acute migraine. Lissa was able to relieve her suffering. My young niece had and accident and had a second-degree burn on her hand. I called Lissa and the healing advice and energy she sent is helping my niece reduce the pain and recover faster. Lissa’s concern is the well-being of anyone she works with. A true healer – her gifts must be experienced to really understand.… and did I mention that she is a master perfumer who creates the most exhilarating and imaginative scents!!! It is my true pleasure and honor to recommend Lissa Liggett to one and all May the golden white light surround and protect you in all your ways….
To your health   Itai Disraeli   Venice CA


"Hi Lissa,
I have been on the road until yesterday, when we finally got back to Colorado. As Dayna and Tairy can attest, I am not nice enough to pretend to be sweet! Honestly, your work is the most amazing thing either myself or Patrick have ever experienced. I had no pain, and very little swelling as we made our way 2000 miles across country AFTER we saw you. No time for icing, elevating or that stuff, yet I walk around San Francisco, Sonoma, My old Haunts, with no signs of an ankle that I was told would take at least 3 weeks to use again. As of today, almost all of the bruising is gone as well. I am still not clear on how or what you did what you did. All I know is that is worked, really, really well...." Gloria



"My back hurt. It ached in a place I could not reach, and while my Chiropractor could get at it, the pain remained. One Sunday, Lissa walked up to me ran her hand down my back, then put her hand right on the place. By that night the pain was gone. I am, both by training and breeding skeptical of "Healing". My parents although deep fundamentalists and from the South, scoffed at faith healers and that traditional Christianity of the South. Snake oil salesmen and faith healers held the same level of spite. Modern education did the rest. I relegated Healers to the back pages of the National Inquirer. Even after I became acquainted with the breadth and depth of the occult and mystical traditions of East and West and South (African, Latin America). What Lissa did snuck up on me. She took me by surprise and it worked. Where I have had time to intellectualize and begin to resist the notion of this being possible, healing has come more slowly and less completely even where I have taken the initiative to submit myself to her hands. For example, one night I felt wretched and went to her for help. It got me thru the next 12 hours but the next 12 were awful. I fell into sickness. The next morning Lissa called and she worked on me thru the phone and from that time on I felt good and got better. I do not understand all of this but I do know that some people have extraordinary gifts. Lissa has one that she offers all of us, her Divine Healing.  James Conn, Methodist Minister, Former Mayor of Santa Monica




Long Version:  My husband Gavin had a grande mal seizure while we were peacefully sleeping in bed on November, 18th 2013. He had just returned from working in Atlanta for several months, and I was just about to leave for an annual trip up north.  Thanksgiving was coming up, plans were being made.  After a harrowing call to 911 and trip to the hospital, we discovered he had a brain tumor. Both he and I were in complete shock, but clear that he had to go through with an operation--and quickly--to find out what type of tumor it was.  As we spent two days in the hospital preparing for surgery, we were showered with love from friends near and far, but we were still scared beyond belief and felt like we were moving and breathing underwater. A night before my husband's surgery, a dear friend said that he contacted Lissa to help us in the healing process. He said that she was a distance energy healer, and that she had been so helpful to him and his own family in many crises. I jumped on this opportunity to work with such a talented and powerful healer. As soon as we received Lissa's contact information, we were in touch day and night.  She immediately asked for a picture of the tumor and of Gavin's head, and began working on him. In that deep state of fear and anxiety about the future, it is almost impossible to describe how powerfully comforting my exchanges were with Lissa from the very start.  She was direct, positive, supportive, strong, loving, and confident in her abilities to help Gavin get through the surgery.  She was an undeniable force of loving support that walked us successfully emotionally, and physically through the surgery and beyond. Not evening knowing her last name, that first evening, I entered her into my phone as "Lissa Angel," and she quickly became part of our family and healing team.

The doctors were able to remove 90% of the tumor and he was diagnosed with a Grade II Astrocytoma-a somewhat cancerous tumor that has the potential to keep growing and become even more life-threatening. We were advised to keep getting MRI's every three months to see whether or not the tumor was growing and all through this time Lissa kept in contact with us regularly, inviting Gavin so much into her life, that her own children knew who he was and when she was working on him.  Over the course of three months she regularly checked in with the same fierce positivity that helped me, as Gavin's caregiver, get through many dark nights.  Gavin reported feeling tingling sensations on the top of his head at times when she was working on him and was back on his feet practicing his martial arts within two weeks. Life began to stabilize again. 

Three months out, we had our first MRI and the doctor reported that the tumor had actually shrunk.  He said that the MRI's now looked like they had removed 97% of the tumor, a fact that puzzled him as much as it joyfully surprised us.  He looked at us and said, "this is pretty incredible as we are doing nothing (meaning no radiation and chemotherapy.)" I looked at him and said, "we are not doing nothing! We are doing a whole lot!" And the doctor just shook his head and said, "whatever you are doing, keep doing it."  And so we are. With Lissa's incredible support.  

A year and a half later, my husband and I have newborn baby, have moved to MRI's every four months and there are still no signs of tumor growth.  And Lissa has been there every step of the way, continuing to check in, ask for recent pictures, and sending healing energy to disperse the cancerous cells and help in creating a benign tumor.  I have no doubt that her incredible gifts as a healer and loving support have helped in keeping Gavin healthy.  While he and I still continue to live in the uncertainty of what the future will hold in regards to his diagnosis, of this we are certain: we have a very powerful ally in our corner who is helping us both in walking with Gavin on the road to health and supporting his body in moving into remission.  From the day we met her, she has indeed been an "angel" in our lives, and we will forever be grateful for her.  Lissa is an incredibly gifted woman who dedicates her life to helping to heal and support those going through serious life challenges, and anyone who works with her will be blessed by both loving encouragement and tangible results.  Katy






Oct 2016

Lissa’s healing abilities are amazing. Both of my daughters have chronic foot injuries—sprains and strains from sport injuries—and Lissa gently and magically works on the girls feet remotely to heal the injuries and reduce pain almost instantly! Over time both injuries are permanently healing. Both daughters are resistant to “help” so I did not tell them Lissa was working on them though I tell them she is sending them LOVE. It is amazing the healing that has taken place without the girls even knowing it. Each day the injury is fading from their consciousness and is healing even more. Lissa is always available for quick healing sessions and hold children and young people at their highest regard. She never ever hesitates to jump in and send healing love to my daughters and she continues to check in with me to monitor their progress.  I am so grateful for her and so blessed to know her and have her in my life.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
With Love,


 What I asked Lissa to help me with in this healing was was very painful and disfiguring scar tissue from a neck lift surgery that had been "botched".  The surgery was around eight years ago.  About a year after the surgery I revisited my doctor and showed him the result.  He promised that with some more time the scar tissue would heal.  He also offered me unlimited free ultrasound treatments, which I received twice a week for months, with very minimal results.  The area would feel a little more relaxed immediately after the session but would revert back to constant numbness and a complete freezing of the skin under my entire neck area.  The area also felt very hard and solid to the touch. Being sensitive to energy I always noticed the block this created, and how the flow of energy was blocked.  She told me she would begin sending energy to my neck.  Two days later I noticed that the scar tissue had miraculously disappeared.  I felt the skin with my hand and it felt soft and fluid to the touch.  The frozen feeling was gone!  I got out my camera and took another photo and sent it to Lissa.  Miraculously the image in the photo was dramatically different. The entire area looked softened, like a normal surgery result.  There was still a visible scar but no longer a solid mass of scar tissue. Lissa's healing gift is so amazing!  She is present throughout the healing process and unconditionally supportive and loving.  She lovingly shares her gift with all who request healing.  I cannot recommend her highly enough.  Having Lissa in my life has been like having a special guardian Angel! K


Lissa is a deeply gifted healer, and I have had the privilege of working with her on issues as varied as cystitis, from which she was able to give me great relief, to help with my digestion. Recently I had the crazy California flu that everyone got, which left me with persistent coughing fits. I literally could not take one breath without convulsions of coughing. I figured it would go away on its own, so I didn't think to ask for help until the day before a very important performance as a singer when cough syrup and steroids did nothing to help it. I called Lissa frantically and asked her if she could please send me some healing - just during the hour of the show, and amazingly I was able to sing without coughing at all or any sign of illness and it went beautifully! Here's the link to the performance if you'd like to see for yourself.
Please do yourself a favor and allow Lissa to help you with whatever is ailing!
Thank you Lissa for the blessing of your healing and generosity!
Lili Haydn – singer, violinist, composer
Los Angeles California



I have known Lissa since around 1987.  She has had this healing touch since a child.  I have had hands on sessions, where her hands will heat up and begin tingling, and when she would put her hands on me this light energy would travel through her hands and into the area that needed healing.  I have had some miraculous healings through her special gift, without the help of western medicine.

Since the years that I have known her, her healing has become more powerful and like a laser.  She has the ability to send the healing energy long distance, without ever putting her hands on you physically.  The healing I will share in this testimony was done by long distance.

Since going through a very traumatic health challenge, I was left with very painful and swollen feet.  I could not even put shoes on they were swollen to about twice their normal size.  I also had lots of dark, varicose veins on the sides of both of my feet.  I experimented with natural supplements, ice, and exercise.  One of the exercises that helped was rolling my feet over a tennis ball to massage them.  Lissa also told me about the “Shakti Mat”, which you can press your feet onto while standing, or lay down on for your back and legs.  It acts like a yogic bed of nails, in that it activates all the acupressure points, without having to pay for individual sessions.  It has been very helpful. On the day that Lissa worked on my feet, she first asked me to send a picture of them.  I sent her a picture of my swollen, painful feet with all the varicose veins.  They were also discolored in some areas.  Lissa sent the healing energy to me.  A few hours passed and I noticed an amazing relief in my feet.  When I looked down at them, I realized the swelling had gone down, and amazingly, the varicose veins had disappeared.  I took an “after” picture of my feet and sent it to Lissa.  I would like to add that I can now wear shoes again and the swelling and varicose veins and pain have not returned. Lissa’s healing gift is so amazing.  Not only does she send her healing energy, but intuitively knows exactly what your body needs to speed up the healing process.  I know this energy was given to her straight from God.  I would not hesitate to recommend that anyone ready to receive the energy, go ahead and work with Lissa.  You will find nothing but deep peace and healing.

Kathy Acoff - 2016



"Lissa has worked on a variety of problems in our family including assisting with the serious health issues of my mother. The gentle but powerful energy that she channels will always make things better in some way, this is a sure thing....I can't recommend her highly enough."    Miriam Slater



"Lissa Liggett has a calm, peaceful healing energy that emanates naturally from her hands. Her distance healings have proven miraculous for several members of my family, both seriously physically injured and energetically ungrounded. I highly recommend Lissa's loving energy. "
Jill Frandsen Owner, FloraDeva Energy Medicine Psychology Graduate Student, Antioch University Santa Barbara   MFT Trainee



" I experienced Lissa's wonderful healing at a very stressful time in my life, she was compassionate, understanding and had great tough love advice as to continue my own healing, I have gone back to her very capable hands several times for an energy boost and that nurturing understanding that we all need once in a while. Thank you Lissa.   Ima W.   Business Consultant"



"There was a central penetrating warmth that initially occured when Lissa first put her hands on me. This warmth seemed to spread out and quell the tension in my shoulders and spine. It also seemed to calm my brain which most
recently has been a confusing whirlpool of anxiety and a twisting stream of disconnected and somewhat negative thoughts. I felt a calmness. I was able to concentrate, but
more importantly I was capable of NOT thinking, which tends to be rare for me. What an amazing experience. For the first time in a long time I was detached from my
thoughts and I could view them distantly and more rationally. " Thanx, P Farrell